Lj loves to read. I often find her sitting in my chair in their room with her books on her lap. She chats (in toddler language), turns the pages and points at objects on the page. Yesterday, as she was reading aloud, MJ told me that what she was saying was 'I am a turtle' and that is just what it sounds like!!!
MJ reading to Lj on my chair in their room |
MJ is presently exploring 'Elmer' at school. Nana (on the motorway*) gave Lj some Elmer books and a soft toy Elmer at Christmas time which was very timely. We were reading them one evening (as we have done most evenings since Christmas) when MJ sprung to life and told me that Elmer was 'patchwork' and Wilbur was 'chequered'. He could also tell me that the Author writes the story and the Illustrator draws the pictures. I would love to be a 'fly on the wall' during these story times in his classroom. It sounds like his teacher truly brings them to life.
Elmer by David McKee |
Today as I had a browse in some of our town's charity shops I came across two interesting looking books. I am drawn to the front covers of books and totally 'judge the book by the cover'. I hadn't time to look at them in detail so decided to purchase. They are::
Apples for Jam by Tessa Kiros |
Is this not the most adorable front cover?! And...
Creole Thrift by Angele Parlange |
So, now the kids are in bed and M is meeting with his book club friends, I have plans to do a little knitting, perhaps watch The Mystery of Edwin Drood on i player and flick through my new books...oh and do my 'sketch my day' (perhaps a blog post in its own right one day!).
* Nana on the motorway is my mother in law who lives 2 hours drive away and my mum is Nana on the aeroplane, who lives a short flight away!...this is how MJ has differentiated his Nana's for a long time now.
Oooh that Apples for Jam book is supposed to be great - you'll have to let me know if it's good. Lovely to see these little snapshots. E is really into her books we often find her lying on one or two when she's sleeping!