Monday 24 June 2013

Lj Timeline...3rd birthday

 June 2010

 June 2011

June 2012

June 2013

My baby turned 3 today. We are having a simple but lovely day. MJ and I helped her open her presents this morning. She had some of her little friends around for a 'Maisy' themed birthday party and now we are waiting for Daddy, Auntie C, Uncle J and Zara to arrive for a birthday tea.

As I type she plays with her dolls house, singing and talking to herself all the time. She talks and treats her babies just how I deal with her. It worries me sometimes how she scolds them in exactly the way I do with her. She loves to play with her dolls, build puzzles and make things. This morning unsupervised she made a crown by drawing a zig zag line, cutting along the line, decorating it with stickers and then sticking it together with sellotape.
She loves to have friends come and play or to go to her friends house. Most mornings she wakes up and asks me who is coming to play or where we are going today.
She loves books. While I do MJ's reading in the morning before school she likes to sit beside us listening and once we are finished she takes the book and tries to sound out the words for herself. She can recognise her numbers and a few letters such as L, M, Z and J. She is learning to write her name and can do 'Lil' but is daunted by 'y'. She spends alot of her playtime colouring in and cutting but loves to draw on her hands, face and the floor too!!!
She loves to try new foods but finds it hard to sit at the table and finish a whole meal. She loves to snack, like her mum!
She has lots of energy and lots to say. She can hold her own and is not afraid to stand up for herself!
We are doing our best to teach her to obey her parents and to control her frustrations.
We love our beautifully quirky Lj.

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