Thursday, 27 December 2018

An early Christmas

As M’s parents came to visit the weekend before Christmas we decided to have an early Christmas. We had a lovely day. M cooked dinner and afterwards we went for a walk in Gosford Forest park.


There weren’t many personalised Christmas gifts this year but I enjoyed doing a little sketching for my brother and sister in laws.

Bon voyage

We said Bon voyage to our dear Marion at the beginning of December. Even the donkeys seemed sad. We miss her even more this week from all the family gatherings but know she will be having a fab time with her sister in Australia.

Advent is over

I spent a lot of advent keeping this boy out of the advent calendars with varying success. He consumed a lot of chocolate in 24 days.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

A digger for Luke

A gift for my cousin's new born. I'm still experimenting with my new ipad so this is a combination of hand collage and ipad pen details. I forgot to take a picture of it in its frame before I wrapped it!

Monday, 10 December 2018

Post exam activities

I'm not tech savvy enough to post videos on here from my photo but if I was you would be able to see and hear MJ's animation and Lj playing Christmas carols. Now that MJ has completed his 11+ exams (he celebrated with the cake of his choice, a caramel slice!) and Lj has completed her piano exam, which at the time she felt went terribly but actually earned her a distinction they are having to find other hobbies to fill their evenings.

Reusable Christmas present sacks

I made sacks like these for MJ and Lj years ago. As I started sorting and wrapping presents for this year I realised I could really do with sacks for Ezra and Calvin. It was a friend who gave me the elf fabric and thankfully there was plenty left to make two more. I would love to have time to make sacks for all the people we give to each year. It would be more eco friendly and save me wrapping time! One to think about for next year!

Red sky in the morning!

When I see a red sky, I always remember the rhyme

'Red sky at night, shepherds delight.
Red sky in the morning, sailors warning!'

Should I be worried?!

Bean bags

I had a little bit of help getting these bean bags finished off this morning. Ideally I would like Ezra to learn to recognise his name using them but I think for now I will have to relax and allow them to be thrown around or stacked up high!

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Scissor happy

Every plastic straw in the drawer is getting shredded this week. It's an activity which keeps him focused but we are fast running out of supplies.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Cycling with trailer!

Our first trip out. Me cycling, Ez and Calvin giggling and fighting in the trailer and MJ coming on his bike behind as I’m paranoid the trailer is going to disconnect and roll back down the hill.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

This morning.

As the weather is still so mild and dry we are getting out as much as our energy levels will allow us.

This morning we have been washing the car, gathering leaves and making quite a mess with red and blue paint.

Teething trouble

Red cheeks and constant dribble can only mean one thing, teething trouble. After a week of sleepless nights we are catching up this week but still no sign of those pesky teeth.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Trinity, Dublin

My brother is getting married next year and he has asked me to do some architectural sketches of the places he and Diane have visited. I’ve been holding off getting started as I really wanted to try doing them on an iPad Pro. Now that my laptop has died and M very kindly purchased a pro for me I have made a start. The pro and draw apps are taking a little getting used but last night I made an attempt at a first sketch. Interestingly it took the same amount of time as it used to when I did it by hand, then scanned and coloured in photoshop.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Sunny, autumnal days

We have had some beautifully sunny autumn days in the last couple of weeks. So we are trying to get to the park as often as possible before the rain stops us from venturing too far.

Monday, 15 October 2018


Finally someone has decided to fix the handle on my pantry door. He walks in from the garage with purpose in his step and a screwdriver in hand.

A new hedge

Every week there are plants arriving in the post. This week it was a new hedge! So rain or shine the gardening continues. Note the new polytunnel in the background...that was last Saturday's task.


It's amazing what these two can find to do when they are supposed to be doing homework or going to bed!

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Ping pong

I've been meaning to get a table tennis table for awhile now but no one else seemed enthused. Finally I got round to it and it has been a great hit. Who knew it would also double us as a super den to play in!

Back to school 2019

Yes, we have been back to school over a month now (what...a month?) but it took us a couple of weeks to remember to take a 'back to school' photo and then another couple of weeks to get it on here! The top pic pretty sums up our life at the moment...always on the move, always something in our hand, happy, but slightly chaotic.

Doodledbyneatee calendar time

I have been spending a lot of my free time recently willing my laptop to keep working so I can get another calendar completed for Doodledbyneatee. We are almost there and I think this fourth edition is my favourite so far. A new laptop is being ordered v soon.

More Saturday gardening

We have been so fortunate to have lovely weather each Saturday recently. So M is making the most of it and encouraging us all outside to help him in the garden

Joe Berry

Joe Berry was one of those people who was always there and then he wasn't! I grew up with him living in the two storey farmhouse opposite ours. We saw him almost every time we were playing outside. Joe, a farmer would wave as he walked back and forwards between field and farm and house. Always with his tobacco pipe hanging from his lips, which he would remove to shout 'hello' and then pop it straight back in. When I moved away from my childhood home, to go to university I never really thought of Joe until I discovered 'Lapsang Souchong' tea. It's smoky aroma always brought me straight back home to the familiar smell of burning tobacco coming from Joe's pipe.

As was mentioned at Joe's funeral a number of times, he was a quiet and likeable man. Having over 300 people at his funeral said volumes for his presence in the community. So I raise a cup of Lapsang in memory of this dear man and I hope I will see him again one day on the other side.