Thursday, 16 February 2017

Today at the Ulster Museum

Apart from the highlight of the day being dinner at McDonalds both MJ and Lj expressed how much they enjoyed looking round the art gallery and having a go at drawing their own pictures. As it is NI science week the museum were running a special feature on skulls which if I'm being honest could have been done better but was interesting none the less. I enjoyed...watching the older kids read about the items in the exhibits, seeing how much Ezra loved playing with the coloured glass blocks, catching up with my buddy and getting to know Belfast again.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Happy Valentine's day!

Happy Valentine's day!

Lj made us a card and a family portrait!

We have been enjoying the New Irish Kids CD and on the way to school this morning we listened to this song which is one of our favourites.

When my energy’s high Jesus loves me

When my energy’s high Jesus loves me
When I just want to cry Jesus loves me
When I fail my exam Jesus loves me
When I doubt who I am Jesus loves me

When I do something kind Jesus loves me
When I leave stuff behind Jesus loves me
When I’m fearful and sad, Jesus loves me
When I drive people mad Jesus loves me

Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so

When I act immature Jesus loves me
When I don’t know for sure Jesus loves me
When I say something daft Jesus loves me
When I make people laugh Jesus loves me

When I wear awful clothes Jesus loves me
When I’ve spots on my nose Jesus loves me
When I think I’ve no friends Jesus loves me
For his love never ends Jesus loves me

When I sing out of time Jesus loves me
When I put far too many words in one line Jesus loves me
When I breathe for far too long, Jesus loves me
When I get the notes all wrong, Jesus loves me

Jesus love is here to stay
With us each and every day
Nothing you can ever do
Will prevent him loving you

Soapy water play

The workmen have all left (for now) leaving a muddy and dusty trail. As I started to clean up it didn't take Ezra long to discover the warm soapy water. I had to keep an eye on what I was doing and a wide eye on Ezra who almost tipped himself into the basin of water a number of times. What is it about little chubby hands? So cute!

Cold and Frosty Saturday

We woke to a cold and frosty morning both outside and inside.

I took the kids to Millennium Court for the film and craft day while Mike went to Belfast with friends. Today's film was 'Big Hero 6' and the activity was making robots from junk modelling. Ezra had a sleep while the film was running so I got some knitting done in the semi darkness. Meanwhile at home we were having the final wood burning stove fitted and a pump put on our hot water tank so we should shortly have a warmer house and a more powerful shower.