Monday, 25 July 2016

Last day of school

Camping indoors

It really feels like we are camping indoors! What I have found interesting is that with little to no toys the kids are playing better together, creating their own games from nothing. With no cooker, fridge or microwave, M had to make do with a bought chocolate muffin for his birthday cake!

Goodbye to our worldly goods!

The day has arrived for us to say goodbye to most of our worldly goods as they head off across the Irish sea.

We spent the day in the garden as the men worked hard in the 27oC heat emptying our house and loading their lorry.

And off it goes, fully loaded, not an inch of space to spare.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Three muskateers

Anyone for tennis?

M and I managed to get tickets for Court 1 on the middle Saturday at Wimbledon and although it was a day of rain delays we did get to see perhaps the biggest upset of the tournament, Djokovic knocked out by Querry. It was my first time away from Ezra which felt strange but my sister stepped up to the mark taking all three kids, along with her two for the day, her birthday no less.

Mj has been enjoying playing tennis on Saturday's with M while Lj is at ballet. So the other evening after school and before swimming lessons I took the kids into town for a picnic tea and a game of tennis. I was really pleased to see how he has improved since last summer. He will be beating me in no time :(

Lj's cousins got her a new tennis racket for her birthday, so now it is her turn to learn. More patience required but as I can see with MJ, the patience pays off and soon I will be able to enjoy playing with her also.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Ezra loves watching the wind in the trees

but hates me putting my camera in his face!

Counting down

I'm not keeping up with my blog very well, I seem to have as many 'draft' blog posts as completed ones. I don't want to miss reflecting on these few weeks of life in this home but on the other hand, these few weeks are so busy that I don't seem to be able to sit long enough to capture my reflections.

Now as little man sleeps, Lj is at school and MJ is soon to return from 3 days at a residential trip, I have an hour before the second 'goodbye' lunch of the week begins, to tidy up my thoughts and my blog!

Our rooms are becoming more empty as the conservatory fills up with boxes. The kitchen shelves are clearing as I try some weird and wonderful (more weird than wonderful) ways of using up their contents.

I'm excited at the thought of starting some where new yet there continues the anxiousness of not having sold our property and reading almost everyday in the news of falling house prices. I know God has given me enough faith to trust His plan for our lives but some days I just wish that things were a little more straightforward and simple. A friend reminded me this week of a verse in the Bible.

Romans 4v17

'...Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing.'

I too believe in this same God, so if our God can 'create new things out of nothing'...then I know that He can sell our house, or rent it out, or do what ever He wants with it, when He is not too much for Him. So I continue to pack up, use up and say goodbye!

 Banana and chocolate bread

 MJ goes to Burwell

Boxes building up

Friday, 15 July 2016

London with little ones #Tate Modern #Georgia O'Keefe

As the boys went off to Silverstone for the weekend, Lj and I had our weekend planned. She wanted to go into London, visit a gallery and eat at a café. Great idea!!!

My very lovely friend is a member of the Tate so she joined us and gave us free entry into the new Georgia O'keefe exhibition. What a treat to see such amazing artwork and we were both filled with joy to watch Lj and her son, Archie engage with the artwork too. In fact so much so, they were holding us back from moving to the next room before their audio guides had finished talking to them.
We had the best day, eating in the new Tate extension café, looking out over the London panorama, watching the kids play on their scooters along south bank and playing in the sand pit near Waterloo.

Thank you so much, will probably be the last time in London before we move so a real blessing to have such a great experience.

Sports Day 2016

 2016- Sports day.

MJ's drawings

Some of the drawings I found in MJ's room. I'm slightly concerned about his interest in all things battle related...shooting, blowing things up, weapons, tactics, battle plans or anything involving warfare. M assures me it is just boy fun...I hope he is right!