Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Baby Carrier No.3

It really is happening...I'm not feeling queasy at the thought of pizza, have super smelling powers or waking up during the night with crazy dreams for no reason! It is this little one forming inside me and doing crazy things to my body in the process.

Seeing the scan image yesterday on the screen almost made me tear up and I felt an immediate connection with this little life which is developing inside me.

MJ is so proud of the thought of us having a baby. He is delighted to tell everyone our 'family secret'. Lj is more difficult to read...she doesn't talk about it directly but is asking all sorts of questions like 'Who will take her and MJ to the hospital to see the baby? Who will look after them while we are at the hospital? and yesterday I had to explain the scan picture in great detail.

We are almost 15 weeks in and apparently I have some colour back in my cheeks and don't look quite so deathly...but perhaps they are just being polite!


  1. Congratulations to all of you - I had heard the good news xx

  2. Wonderful news! Enjoy your growing family, each child is such a joy! Xo
