Thursday, 23 July 2015

Summer holidays Day 2

After a long and busy day on Monday we made a slow start in the morning and I wondered whether we needed a day at home. I got on with a few jobs while the kids played and generally lazed around. After noticing our neighbours pack up their car and head off just before lunch, I thought it wasn't too late for us to go out. I had the Olympic Park in mind after hearing good reports and knowing that it would probably be less busy as some schools are not finished yet. So with a quick turn around we filled the car with swimming things, picnic and suncream and set off.

It took us less than an hour to get there but about 15mins driving round and round the multi storey car park watching out for a parking space. Finally we spotted one and headed through Westfield shopping centre to the Olympic park. I was not very sure on where we were going and was really surprised at how spread out all the venues are. MJ enjoyed watching the building work that is still going on and Lj played spot the ice cream van!

We found 'the beach' which looked like this with about 200 people added.

As the kids happily played and I looked on I spotted a lady wearing a familiar dress, at the same time the lady spotted Lj and we realised that our neighbours who I had seen leave their house were there on the beach with us. A good day turned into a great day as the kids played in the sand together and I had adults to chat to. After a few hours in the sand we went on to explore the rest of the park finding all the different playgrounds dotted around. Totally unlike MJ he threatened to never leave one of the play areas. In the evening we said goodbye to our friends and went in search of the Lego store.

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