Tuesday, 31 March 2015

World book day 2015

For World Book Day, at the kids school, instead of dressing up as their favourite character they had to choose a word (not a noun or colour) to dress up as. Lj's favourite word at the moment is 'discombobulate' and she even manages to drop it into conversation now and again...but we were stuck for costume ideas for that one so we tried to keep it simple and she dressed as 'tasty', wearing her chef hat and apron. MJ dressed as 'dangerous'. He does not love the idea of dressing up so I knew we had to think of something that he would be interested in. As he still loves Minecraft we thought of dressing as TNT...he was delighted that even his socks were the correct colours!

My little artist

Lj and I have been watching 'The Big Painting Challenge' on Tv and are feeling inspired. A few Saturday mornings ago she came to me and asked if I could draw her a bicycle so I told her she needed to look at her bike and copy it. She set herself up outside and got sketching!

Days out in London without Little ones!

Times are changing and I don't always have 'Days out in London with Little ones'...Last week I had a lovely day out with an old school friend (and her little one!).

Of course I brought my current crochet project along for the train journey...a stool cover for a friend.

I met Jenny at London Liverpool Street and we walked to the 'walkie talkie' building at Fenchurch. Jenny had organised free tickets for us to view the sky garden at the top. In the interesting and controversial public sky garden we enjoyed the view, a coffee and cookie and a good old catch up.

Once the sugar and caffeine had kicked in we followed the 'Weavers trail' around Brick lane, Spitalfields and Hackney. Stopping off at a few fabric shops, the Spitalfields city farm and the Happy cafe for lunch.

The biggest bug hotel that I have ever seen at the Spitalfield city farm!

It was great catching up with Jenny and George and seeing a little more of this great city on our doorstep.

On two wheels

Lj is off on two wheels! There have been a few wobbly moments but she has taken to it very well. She is not easily defeated and so a few falls hasn't deterred her. MJ is her coach and encourages her all the way. Between the two of them I'm not sure who was most excited when she went solo.

Monday, 30 March 2015

A 'Lilyjean, Quirky&Handmade' party for Freya

A little late in posting this but Friday week ago was Freya's 8th birthday party and 'Lilyjean, Quirky&Handmade' was invited along to make/sew bags with the girls. Apart from my eyes seeing double after two hours of threading needles, we had a great time. It brings me so much pleasure to see children sewing and growing in confidence as they construct a little something for themselves.

'The Easter Story - Wednesday Club #15

We had to cancel last weeks club as Lj's was ill so this week we are going to do the Easter story in a week using Lego Easter Story- Jesus' death and resurrection.

We will then make Easter cards using a printing method. From Styrofoam pizza bases (I had a few saved up!) I cut out egg shapes. The kids will have a go at creating their simple egg pattern designs on paper first and then transfer the design onto the foam board with a pencil. The foam board can then be painted using poster paints and pressed onto the card. A printing roller is not necessary but my kids always enjoy using one! I found that the more simple the design, the more effective the outcome. Also that one colour of paint applied quite thickly also was better than trying to create a pattern with colour also.
This is Lj trialling the craft for me on one of her sick days!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

'Abraham and Isaac- Trusting God' - Wednesday Club #14

Using The Jesus Storybook Bible I will read 'The present' which sets out the story of God asking Abraham to offer his son, Isaac to Him as a sacrifice. Abraham trusted God and did what he asked, however as he went to kill Isaac God called out to him. God had provided another way and this was a test to show if Abraham truly loved God. God wants his people to live, not die. God wants to rescue people, not punish them. But they must trust Him.
Many years later, another Son would climb another hill, carrying wood on his back. Like Isaac, he would trust his Father and do what his Father asked. Who was he? God's Son, his only Son- the Son he loved. The Lamb of God. JESUS.

This weeks story will lead nicely into the Easter story which we will begin next week.

Time line:
We will add Isaac to our time line.

Memory Verse:
We will recap on John 3v16
'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.'

We need lots of time today to finish off our Mother's Day cross stitch book marks.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Weekly round up

How has your week gone? Mine has gone quickly and as I look around my house I see a laundry bin full of clothes ready to be washed, grubby windows which I had hoped would be clean by now and a frozen dinner defrosting on the kitchen work top. So it has not been the most productive in terms of housekeeping but it has been full of creative moments which are much more fun anyway...and I managed three runs this week which is an improvement on the last few weeks!

Here are some of the little things I have been working on...

An architectural sketch of University of Manchester. I really enjoy studying a building and sketching it. It is amazing the detail that you notice when you begin sketching! I'm almost finished the colour stage and then it will be complete.

Next week I'm taking a ladies evening group and making a lavender heart with them. So I spent a morning this week cutting out heart shapes from different fabrics and gathering a selection of ribbons, buttons and embroidery threads.

With an 8 year old's birthday party coming up I put together some little hand sewn bags for them to try and copy. After our success at Wednesday club this week I'm feeling confident in these different group of girls being able to sew a bag!

My crochet blanket has made a little progress but due to my addiction to Grey's Anatomy it is not as long as it could be!!!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

'Abraham & Sarah- God keeps His promises'- Wednesday Club #13

Today I'm going to read the story of Abraham and Sarah from 'The Jesus Storybook bible'. I like how this book tells the story of the three things that God promised to Abraham.
1. God promised Abraham his own country.
2. God promised Abraham a son.
3. God promised Abraham that the Messiah would come from his family.
Abraham's country was called Canaan, his soon was called Isaac, and the Messiah was called Jesus!

Dear God,
Thank you for keeping your promises!
Thank you for blessing us!
Thank you that through Abraham’s family, Jesus came to the whole world!
Thank you for loving us!
We love you back!

I thought we might have fun learning the song 'Father Abraham' and it will get the kids moving after sitting listening to the story.

Faith Walk – The children will learn to depend on someone else to lead them.
Clear an area in the room and then as the children are watching place a few obstacles in the room, such as a chair, table or box of toys with a chocolate or sweet at one end of the room.  Ask for a volunteer to wear the blindfold while the helper guides them across the room, missing the obstacles to reach the chocolate. Explain that we often have faith in other people. We believe our parents will give us lunch. We believe our grandparents will remember our birthday. We believe the pilot will be able to fly the plane…etc. Having faith sometimes means trusting God, even when we may not be able to see where He is leading us… just like Abraham did when he travelled to the land God promised to him. Demonstrate leading the blindfolded
volunteer around the room. Let a helper try it. Make sure the helper keeps the volunteer away from the obstacles they cannot see. God is worthy of our trust!

Time line:
We have been updating our time line each week adding a picture as we travel from Creation. Each week we review the time line to give some perspective of the passage of time. Explain that between Adam and Noah there were 10 generations. And that between Noah and Abraham there were 10 generations.  Abraham was Noah’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson. That’s a LONG time… but it does show a connection! And many, many, many years later after Abraham… way down the timeline… Jesus was born from Abraham’s family! God kept His promises to Abraham!

As it is nearing Mother's Day we are going to make a cross stitch book marker.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Wedding pictures


 The past couple of days have brought in some wedding presents for Lilyjean, Quirky & Handmade to create. I really enjoy sketching so these have been alot of fun.

 This tree has all the names of the wedding guests on the leaves...I'm tempted to make one for myself!