Thursday, 29 January 2015

'Cain and Abel- Making good choices' Wednesday club #9

It is important for us to Love God and make choices which are pleasing to God. 

Watch the story of Cain and Abel on You Tube.

The bible tells us in Genesis that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel.

Cain was a farmer who grew vegetables, grains and fruit, like a gardener. Abel was also a farmer but he looked after animals and was a shepherd.
Cain and Abel knew God. They both offered sacrifices to God. This is what God asked people to do in the Old Testament, before Jesus was born. Cain brought some of the things that he had grown from the ground but Abel brought the 'best of the best' of his flocks.
God was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice but he was not pleased with Cain’s.
So Cain was not happy and was jealous of his brother Abel.
Cain was really angry and his face looked very sad.
God spoke to Cain and asked him why he was so angry and God reminded him that he should do what God asks and not what he thinks might be a good idea.
But Cain didn’t listen to God. He was still VERY angry!
Let’s see what Cain did next... The Bible says that Cain talked to Abel and asked him to come out in the field with him, and then... while they were out there... Cain killed Abel!
Then God said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” (Uh, oh... Where was he?)
But Cain didn’t tell God where Abel was or what had happened to him. Cain just said, “I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Do you know what that means? It means something like...“Hey... how am I supposed to know where he is? Am I in charge of watching him every minute?”
But God wasn’t fooled; in fact God ALREADY knew what had happened to Abel.
God said to Cain, “What have you done? Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.”
Then God sent Cain away. He told Cain that from then on he would always be a restless wanderer on the face of the earth.
And that is the end of the story... except for a nice ending. God gave Adam and Eve a new baby son; this one they named Seth.

God cared about Adam and Eve, about Abel and even about Cain. But it is always important for us to do what is right.

Let’s pray and thank God that He loves us and cares about us. Let’s thank God that He gives us our parents and our brothers and sisters.


Dear God,
Thank you that you love us.
Thank you that you care about us.
Thank you that you care for our parents, and for our brothers and sisters.

Song/Memory Verse:

Mark 12v30
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'
Learn it through song.


Our craft is to make a marble maze in the hope the children will think about how it is important to make good choices in our lives just like when we roll a ball through the maze we need to decide which way to guide it.
Make a marble maze- You will need:
Shoe box lid, Straws, Masking tape, Scissors and marbles.
For the little ones I will draw the maze pattern onto the lid so they can cut the straws to the appropriate size and stick them on the pen marks.

Another fun way to make a maze would be using lego like in the picture below.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Meet Ballerina Monster!

Yesterdays make by Lj was a cardboard monster which this morning she dressed and fed (with monster treats). I commented on the monsters nice necklace but apparently it is a tutu!

It is great to see the workings of her imagination. Yesterday I helped out in her class and her teacher said that she believed she would be an architect, engineer or designer when she is older! But equally I think she would be very happy being a Mother. The picture above was taken the other night after she had spent a long time getting Minnie ready for bed and setting her bed up. She told me that it is nice to have a baby to sleep next to. With all that busyness during the day she falls asleep in minutes!

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Monday in London

Today I met my old school friend and her new born Baby Boy in London. We had fun viewing the current exhibitions in the Tate Modern, Sigmar Polke and Conflict Time Photography and then lunch in Leon. What a treat day!

I made little George a name picture using my new Sissix alphabet template.

While eating lunch I remarked to my friend that the packaging would be perfect for this weeks Wednesday club she asked the lady at the counter for some boxes and I went away with 10...there are only 9 in the picture above which was taken on the train on my way home...1 box is currently blowing its way round St Pauls Cathedral as I couldn't catch it when it blew away!

And I even got a couple of rows of my stripy blanket completed.

We had so much fun we plan to do it all over again next month...woowho!

Saturday afternoon crafting

As the boys played on the Wii, Lj and I got crafting. Lj had in her mind, after making a clock mask the other day, that she wanted to make a mouse which she could then use as a prop for 'Hickory Dickory Dock'. So here are our toilet roll tube mice with washi tape for clothing and pipe cleaners for whiskers!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

'God made Man' Wednesday club #8

Last week we looked at how God created our world and this week we want to think about the first man and woman, Adam and Eve.

We will watch God Made Man and Woman on U tube.

Then we will discuss what happened in the video clip.
What was the garden called? Garden of Eden
What did God use to make the first man? The dust from the ground
What did he call the first man? Adam
What was Adam's role in the garden? To look after it and the animals (he named the animals). Everything in the garden was good and perfect. Adam could talk to God.
Why did God make a Woman? As a friend for Adam
What was the tree called that God told Adam and Eve not to touch? Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil
What would happen if they did touch it? They would die (Sin would come into the world which would mean everything would in time die)
What did the devil use to trick Eve? He spoke through a serpent/snake and lied to her.
Did Adam and Eve believe the trick? Yes and so they took the fruit and ate it.
Why was God sad with them? They had disobeyed God, they had sinned and so they could no longer live in the garden with God. Things would no longer be perfect and they would have to work hard to grow food and live.
Is that the end of the story? No, God promised a saviour (Jesus) who would create a way for us to have a relationship with God again.

Let’s pray and thank God for sending Jesus as the Saviour.

Prayer: Dear God,

Thank you that you made us!

Thank you that you love us!

Thank you that you sent Jesus to be our Savior!


I love the illustrations in the story 'Paper Dolls' by Julia Donaldson. As we have considered how God made man and woman I thought we could design our own paper people. 

These templates were made for the 'Paper dolls' book and can be found online.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Guess who?

A game of Guess Who before bedtime! Has anyone ever owned a Guess Who board which doesn't have at least one tile broken?!

Prayer hands

A couple of years ago I saw a post on creating prayer hands for your children. I really liked the idea and decided to do it for MJ and Lj. So each year I draw round their hands, choose a verse from the Bible for one side and write a prayer appropriate to them on the other side- it is quite nice to think about what your prayer for them for this year might be. I then laminate to protect them and add them to their split ring. This is the third year I have done it and apart from watching how their little hands are growing it is nice to be able to reflect on what was important for each stage of their lives. I keep them with my bible and daily bible study notes so that each day I can pray through their prayer for this year. The kids are also fascinated by them!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Just now

My big boy can't sleep so he is working on his Postal Bible school and I am enjoying my crochet, a blanket in my favourite colours.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

2015 Card range 'buttons&sequences'

At the beginning of each New Year I try and make a collection of cards so that I have a few in reserve for the year ahead. It helps to make them at the beginning of the year as then you know who has received one and hopefully mean you don't send the same card twice!

On Tuesday I attended my monthly Craft and Coffee morning. A lady had brought along a box of buttons she no longer wanted. I had a little rummage and took home a few in pinks and purples. Before Christmas I had purchased a bag of pink sequence in the 99p shop and as I saw the two things together I was inspired.

I find Men's cards so much more difficult so will have to wait for the inspiration on that one!

I also want to do a kids range but Lj seems happy enough to manage that one at the minute...this week she made three for up and coming birthday parties.

'In the beginning' Wednesday club #7

We are going to start a new series this week.

Starting at the beginning of the bible we will consider some of the key historic events.

To start we will create a time line of the various stories. Using a long piece of ribbon and clothes pegs we will produce a picture each week which can be placed on the time line. This should help the children remember the historical sequence of events.

'In the beginning'

Show on U tube ‘Frozen, Elsa creates her palace’.
Discuss how Elsa creates her ice palace. Introduce how God had the power to create this world. God spoke and the world came into being.

·The Bible (God’s Word) tells us that God spoke and things

came into being

·God said “Let there be light” and there was light.

As we learn what God created we will make a picture for our time line using coloured pieces of paper and pictures which I cut out of magazines. We will begin with a large black sheet of paper to show the darkness which was before creation and gradually add colour for light, water, space, land, birds, fish, animals and humans.

·First God created light and divided the light from the darkness

·Next God divided the waters above from the waters below and

made the heavens and the earth

·Then God separated the water from the dry land

·Then God made the sun, the moon, and the stars

·Then God made the birds of the air and the fish of the seas

·Then God made all the animals that walk on the earth

·And last of all, God made man, in His own image

·When he had finished God called all that He had created ‘good’.


Let’s pray and thank God for making everything!

Dear God,

Thank you for making everything!

Thank you that you made us!

Thank you that you love us!

Help us to love you back!


Memory Verse:

‘God saw everything that he had made and it was very good.’ Genesis 1v31

We are going to add colour to our pots which we made last week.

 A large part of today's club was taken from: Just Us Little Guys- Sunday School Center - ©2012, Sharon Kay Chatwell