Thursday, 27 November 2014

'You will call him Jesus' Wednesday Club #1

As the afternoons are getting dark MJ and Lj can no longer play outside with their friends. So I have decided to invite their friends to our house every Wednesday after school. As there are a number of them we have decided to structure the fun! We will base each week on a historical event recorded in the Bible, telling the story, playing games and doing craft.

As we are in the Christmas run up I thought we could kick start our afternoon fun looking at the events around the Birth of Jesus.

Week 1- 'You will call him name Jesus'

Ice breaker
Aim- To get the children thinking about the meaning of names.
I had written the childrens names and the meanings of their names onto pieces of cards. The children had to try and work out the meanings of their names and match up the pieces of card.
My little niece was rather impressed when she realised that her name means 'Princess'. 

This is what happened before Jesus was born. Mary and Joseph had promised to marry one another. They were not yet married when Mary discovered that she was going to have a baby. God had given her the baby. Joseph did not know where the baby had come from so he decided that it would be best if they did not get married after all. But after he had decided this God sent an angel to him in a dream. The angel said 'Joseph do not be afraid to marry Mary. The baby which she is going to have is from God. It will be a boy and you are to call him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins'.
When Joseph woke up he did what the angel had commanded him and married Mary.
These things happened to fulfil what God had said through the Old Testament Prophets. There is is explained that an unmarried woman will give birth to a son who will be called Immanuel, which means 'God with us'.
(Taken from TNT resources)
 Verse to remember

 "... you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Mathew 1v21 

I had hidden the words of the verse around the room and as the children searched and found them we put the verse together. 

Paper bunting. We stamped our names onto the flags, decorated with pens, stamps and stickers. Strung them together with twine (could also use ribbon or yarn) and used glue sticks to stick in place.

These are the templates which can be printed onto white paper.

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