I have to say, as packages of bird seed, coconut husks and buggy nibbles! were arriving at the door in large quantities I was skeptical about what M was up to now. A few weeks on and I am in love with the little birds that gather round the bird feeder for their breakfast as I stand stirring the porridge pot. MJ did comment that he thinks we are feeding all the birds in our town... that is how it feels as we fill up the feeders almost every other day...they are hungry little things.
We have been inspired to learn to recognise each type and have been using the RSPB bird count to help us. I also came across a book that my Mum received as a Sunday School Prize many years ago, maybe 50 or so years ago. It has a beautiful way of describing the birds, their song and their nests.
I treated myself to this beautiful book '20 ways to draw a tree' by Eloise Renouf to help me get sketching again and it is giving me the confidence to try to draw the little birds I see. This is a sympathy card I made last night.

Ideally I would love to be doing beautiful artwork of birds like these of Illustrator, Kate Slater and artist Madeleine Floyd. I find their work stunning.
All this thought of little birds has reminded me of the words in the bible.
'Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.' Matthew 10:29-31
Wise words in this stress filled life to think about and thank God we have these beautiful little birds to watch and remind us of His ultimate care for us.