Pink watering can aka boat, mud bath aka river with waterfall. He played for an hour in this until the ground got so muddy that his feet kept sinking and I had to be called to pull him out twice.
This is his chalk drawing of a boat. The green circles are portholes. In each porthole is a person. Mum, Dad, MJ, LJ, Granddad and Nana. There are a few dots as eyes and a few sad looking mouths but he assures me we are all happy! The zig zag line at the bottom is water. I was so impressed I wished he had drawn it on paper so I could frame it. His imagination is really working overtime at the moment.
Being inspired by the women at Craft and Coffee yesterday I started knitting again. I am not a patient person, therefore I am not a knitter but I really want to knit beautiful things. So I'm trying again. This time I am knitting some cute slippers out of wool I got in Iceland at the beginning of year. The pattern was recommended and can be found at Drops design.
Now the kids are sleeping and M is still at work so I think I will pick up the needles and keep knitting while the enthusiasm is still there.
I'm glad we had a quiet day today!
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