My new past time when the kids are tucked up safely in bed is to grab my knitting bag. Two weeks on and I am still enjoying knitting, I can't believe it. I finished a pair of slippers for myself and am almost finished a pair for my mum, a surprise for when she arrives on Tuesday for a short visit. My husband and his friend have also ordered a pair so I need to source some manly wool! While knitting I can multi task and listen to something on the radio or a podcast which I am loving. I'm especially into Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church. Tonight I am listening to him speak about Women and homemaking! What he says is a bit controversial but encouraging to me as a stay at home mum.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Knitting and listening.
My new past time when the kids are tucked up safely in bed is to grab my knitting bag. Two weeks on and I am still enjoying knitting, I can't believe it. I finished a pair of slippers for myself and am almost finished a pair for my mum, a surprise for when she arrives on Tuesday for a short visit. My husband and his friend have also ordered a pair so I need to source some manly wool! While knitting I can multi task and listen to something on the radio or a podcast which I am loving. I'm especially into Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church. Tonight I am listening to him speak about Women and homemaking! What he says is a bit controversial but encouraging to me as a stay at home mum.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Our day.
Pink watering can aka boat, mud bath aka river with waterfall. He played for an hour in this until the ground got so muddy that his feet kept sinking and I had to be called to pull him out twice.
This is his chalk drawing of a boat. The green circles are portholes. In each porthole is a person. Mum, Dad, MJ, LJ, Granddad and Nana. There are a few dots as eyes and a few sad looking mouths but he assures me we are all happy! The zig zag line at the bottom is water. I was so impressed I wished he had drawn it on paper so I could frame it. His imagination is really working overtime at the moment.
Being inspired by the women at Craft and Coffee yesterday I started knitting again. I am not a patient person, therefore I am not a knitter but I really want to knit beautiful things. So I'm trying again. This time I am knitting some cute slippers out of wool I got in Iceland at the beginning of year. The pattern was recommended and can be found at Drops design.
Now the kids are sleeping and M is still at work so I think I will pick up the needles and keep knitting while the enthusiasm is still there.
I'm glad we had a quiet day today!
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Tragedy, Fear and Hope
This past week has been one of tragedy, fear and hope.
I will explain.
On Thursday 29th September my 36 year old cousin died giving birth to her third child. A husband is left to care for and raise a 4 year old girl, 1 year old boy and new born baby. How is he to understand this sudden tragedy which had filled his world?
Last night we watched the film, ‘the girl with the dragon tattoo’. It was originally a book written by Stieg Larsson. Although it was a well made film I would not recommend anyone to watch it. I don’t believe it is profitable to fill our minds and thoughts with such evil ideas and imagery. It left me feeling fearful for my own children. What if they grow up to be influenced by the evil in this world and therefore walk an evil path? What if they are the victim of evil? How would I ever cope if anyone hurt one by my babies?
Thankfully this morning as I was sitting alone, talking to God about some things on my mind and reading the Bible (Gods words to us) I came across this verse.
‘Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.’ Proverbs ch 3 v 25,26.
These words jumped out of the page at me. It summerized just what I was feeling and filled me with calm for the future of me and my family. If tragedy or evil should come to us I hope that I will trust these words and know a confidence that only God can give. What else can we hold onto in this life?
Friday, 8 October 2010
Our very own, home grown pumpkin.
Trying to give you an idea of the size of our pumpkin...a little bigger than mjs head!!!
Mjs painted version of our pumpkin.