Friday, 5 February 2010

Gratitude Friday

The idea of 'Gratitude Friday' is borrowed from my friend 'Silverstreet', which she in turn borrowed! I like the idea of reflecting on a week almost past.

And here's what I am thankful for this week.

Creation... and the peace it brings to my soul when I am connected with it, and of course the sun shining through the trees helps too!

Mj...i'm always thankful for him even when his will conflicts with mine!

Rainbow a week of serious sugar cravings, a friends cake hits the spot!

And finally, I am thankful for the time spent this week reuniting with an old friend and meeting and getting to know some new friends.

I hope you too have something positive to reflect on on gratitude friday.

Have a lovely weekend.

1 comment:

  1. love the woods photos, looks magical, the colour of that orange lichen on the trunks is amazing.

    Oh and the will of small children, we've got a lot of that here too : )
