The front of the finished quilt.
The patchwork which forms the back of the quilt...notice the blue bunny rabbit fabric I previously mentioned.
Finally the quilt for my friends little boy is finished and ready to be packaged and posted. It is always a good feeling to see a project completed. This quilt is different to my previous quilts (examples below) for a number of reasons. I wanted to use a royal blue wool blanket I found to make the quilt warm and cosy but also wanted to try being a bit more freestyle and less planned in my quilt making. I haven't decided just how successful this freestyling is yet...i'm concerned about how well it will wear with day to day abuse. However it did teach my some new skills.
I'm not very good at doing the same thing twice so it gave me some new interest and pleasure as I experimented.
Quilts I have made in the past few months.

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