Monday, 28 September 2009

This weeks motto.

'...act justly, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.' The bible, Micah ch 6 v 8

Written by the prophet Micah over 2000 yrs ago but equally apt for this world today.

'Act justly'- Lately I have been feeling that I need to take a stand for justice in a world which uses and abuses vulnerable people. I'm not sure how I should do this but I know that I detest injustice so i'm keeping watch for the time when I need to stand up and say 'stop'.

'Love kindness'- This sounds easy but I know that when the pressure is on and time is short kindness is not running through my actions. As humans we have this natural ability to consider ourselves before and above all others...for me to 'love kindness' I need to continually remind myself in every situation that kindness is more important that self preservation.

'Walk humbly with your God'- If we are walking with God, talking to Him and listening to Him it is not difficult to be humble as he continually shows his great strength and power which contrasts with our fragility. But to walk with God requires a daily devotion to Him and for me that is a discipline I long to cultivate and achieve.

So this is my motto for the week...we will see how I survive. I'm sure it will be tested in me many times and everytime I stand at the kitchen sink I will see it written on my chalk board!

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Blueberry Bear

Blueberry bear was inspired by Strawberry bear and some blue gingham! I have always loved the idea of making toys and dolls but didn't know where to begin so when I saw Julia's beautiful strawberry bear I decided it was time for me to give it a go. I found a cute book in my local library called 'toys to sew' and in it a pattern for 'Smart bear' I had no excuses.

Starting in lilyjean style (much enthusiasm) I began making blueberry bear but found progress slow so my enthusiasm waned and soon he was put to one side. That was until I was reminded that my library book with bear pattern was to be returned with a new found gusto I started cutting, sewing and stuffing. I had also tired a little of the blue gingham but loved this cream and blue stripe cotton so thought I would incorporate it also.

Bear is finished apart from a nose piece which I'm unsure as to whether I should add. If I ever try another bear I will try adapting the pattern to my own design. I would prefer the more rounded nose of strawberry bear.

The book which Blueberry bear is reading in the photo is from one of my favourite shops, Temporary measure. Check out their website, especially their fanastically funny cards.

Now, what to do with Blueberry bear, where to put him or who to give him to?

Saturday, 26 September 2009

The great big conker hunt

What a beautiful sunny day for our annual Great big conker hunt. Surely it can't be almost October. It was so nice to see people of all ages and backgrounds with eyes peeled search the forest floor for those precious, shiny natural gems hiding among layers of fallen leaves.
I feel sad when I think that in years to come it may not be possible to have a conker hunt in the U.K. following the news of the spreading disease among the species. Perhaps it will make us appreciate more fully the beautiful mature trees we have here and the joy that it brings to spend a few hours in their midst.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Bargin of the week

Two hours after looking at Brio train sets in John Lewis I came across this set in our local charity shop (the best charity shop for toys I have ever come across), it cost just £5. Unfortunately it is missing a few pieces and there are no trains but we can still make a road and train track and I'm confident we will be able to pick up some trains in other shops. I was tempted to keep it for Mj until Christmas but when we got it home I was so excited about our find I couldn't help but build and discover it with him.

I also got a wooden serving trolley for £3 from the same shop to help with storage in the excuses for an untidy shed now.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Sweeties...aka cherry tomatoes

We have a sweetie plant growing in the garden! We didn't teach Mj that cherry tomatoes were sweeties, he just seemed to decide it for himself. Not many have reached the kitchen, most have been picked and eaten straight from the plant. He has finally learned that we can pick the red ones but must not pick and eat the green ones. Seems simple but it has coincided with picking blackberries where we must pick the black ones and not the red ones!!!
Not many left on the plant now but we do have two peppers growing in the same pot which I am getting very excited about picking and using. I'm not sure what we will use as sweeties once our friends plant and our plant is finished for the year!

Monday, 21 September 2009

A finished quilt

The front of the finished quilt.

The patchwork which forms the back of the quilt...notice the blue bunny rabbit fabric I previously mentioned.

Finally the quilt for my friends little boy is finished and ready to be packaged and posted. It is always a good feeling to see a project completed. This quilt is different to my previous quilts (examples below) for a number of reasons. I wanted to use a royal blue wool blanket I found to make the quilt warm and cosy but also wanted to try being a bit more freestyle and less planned in my quilt making. I haven't decided just how successful this freestyling is yet...i'm concerned about how well it will wear with day to day abuse. However it did teach my some new skills.
I'm not very good at doing the same thing twice so it gave me some new interest and pleasure as I experimented.

Quilts I have made in the past few months.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009


I love donated food, especially fruit. So it was a thrill to receive a box of freshly picked bramley apples from our friend. Now I need to think of lots of ways to use them. M thinks crumble is the way to go everytime but i'm convinced we will get sick of crumble one day. Mj has already put them to use, transporting them around the house in his tractor and trailer, lining them up in size order and leaving them in unusual places!

Monday, 14 September 2009

hats for little ones

As Mj is growing like a runner bean I felt it was time to clear his wardrobe of clothes he has out grown. There were many well worn but not worn out t-shirts. I hate throwing things in the bin so in a bid to recycle I tried Soulmamas new born baby hat pattern. It is so simple I could make them with Mj sitting on my lap, which he was delighted about. Our church puts together baby bundles (hat, baby gro, blanket, nappy etc etc) to send to Africa so these hats will be put to good use.
I want Mj to grow up with a desire to serve and help others no matter where they live or what their background is. I doubt he will remember making a hat out of his t shirt for a little baby in Africa but perhaps it will establish a positive habit with us both of trying, where we can, to serve.

'I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to my fellow-creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.'


Mj decided he had had enough lying in bed on saturday morning so while M and I grabbed the last of our forty winks he made his way downstairs, pulling his chair through from the conservatory and proceeding to make himself toast. He did a fine job and was oh so proud as he munched on the over cooked bread, spread with butter and plum jam.
I think it is his favourite place to be at the moment...standing tall on his chair, making toast and coffee, washing dishes, cutting vegetables or nibbling at the fruit bowl. How they love to copy us adults. I hope his domesticated skills last!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Saturday morning allotmenting

I just love sunny, saturday mornings at the allotment. It is a place where we can be together as a family, away from any distractions (i.e. tv, computers, music and telephones) learning and sharing together. Apart from the aeroplanes flying over head there is peace and quiet.
Today we picked some radish, beetroot and turnip which will require some creative cooking this week. We planted mustard spinach, chinese cabbage and onions. Lets hope they grow well and can fight off the pests.

Friday, 11 September 2009

My quilting journey continues...

My friend has just given birth to a precious little boy so today I began quilt number three. After raiding the charity shops in town I came across some beautiful baby blue and white, bunny rabbit printed fabric. A real gem which I know will inspire me in many projects. Tonight I am quilting and will show you the result soon (hopefully).

Thursday, 10 September 2009

A light bulb moment

This morning I was preparing for J.a.M (Jesus and Me). I was studying the miracle of Jesus healing a blind man. (The bible, John chapter 9). It occured to me that in this story there are a number of 'light bulb moments' and a number of occasions where there was a real need for a 'light bulb moment'. A 'light bulb moment' could be defined as a point of new understanding and a changing in thinking, attitude or action. Jesus says in the chapter previous (John ch 8), that he is the 'light of the world'. He is the light bulb for this world. He can offer a new way of thinking and a new understanding. We don't need to be confused about our future, our sicknesses, our loneliness or whatever we are going through because Jesus will give us light and direction in every situation. The blind man, no longer blind physically or spiritually praises Jesus for his new understanding and his two light bulb moments!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

It all begins here

The whole new world of blogging is opening up before me and I feel drawn to continue along the path to see what the journey entails.
My desire is to make a record of my life as a stay-at-home mama and share the daily discoveries of a two year old and a 28 year old!