Tuesday, 22 February 2022

August birthdays

Calvin turns 4 and MJ turns 14!


Back to school 2021/2022


Lilyjean starts her new school and Ezra starts P2.

Nana and Grandad C come to visit


Saturday, 19 February 2022

Lj is 11

Lilyjean requested a ‘Red carpet’ themed birthday to celebrate turning 11. Her friend, Anna made her cake. As her birthday falls at the every end of the school year, it was special to celebrate with all her primary school friends, perhaps for one last time.

MJ thought he would be clever and put this poster on the door before the guests arrived.


Weekend at Galgorm

It was rescheduled twice because of COVID 19 but we finally made it to Galgorm Resort to celebrate a belated 40th birthday. It was so welcome and amazing to have no responsibilities for a few days.


Beach day

I’m always so keen to get back to the beach after the winter and to our little spot on Portstewart Strand.


Walking the causeway coast with friends

One of the clear highlights of 2021 for me was getting to host friends from Bishop’s Stortford, here in N.Ireland. 
Together we walked part of the Causeway Coast over two days, staying overnight in Portstewart.
I’m really hoping it becomes an annual event.


Ezra is 5


Ezra - our number lover, colour lover, always got something to say, big hugger, player of random toys, loves animals and always wants to win!

Baby chicks


He’s getting good at breeding little chicks.

Friday, 18 February 2022

Lj breaks her arm

 So, it has been a long time…but I’m determined to catch up!

Way back in August 2021 Lj broke her arm, near her elbow. The first broken bone in our house and caused     by stopping her brother from running off, falling over the top of him and landing badly.
The pain was so bad when being x rayed she fainted and fainted again when the nurse put her sling on.

Thankfully all healed well, she did start her new school in a sling but was back to cart wheeling within weeks.