Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Nana and Grandad C time

We had a fun few days when Nana and Grandad C came to stay. We got lost in a maze, had ice cream by the sea side, sheltered from the rain, and celebrated Ms birthday with cake. We also visited Rowallen Gardens, The Argory, Castlewellan Gardens and Clare Glen. Holidays are easy when we all enjoy being outdoors!

Kite flying

Ezra had so much flying his kite on a very windy and sunny day. Sadly on day two of kite flying, the wind got the better of him and the kite quickly disappeared into the sky and out of sight!

A hot air balloon for Beatrice

Creating a ‘New Baby’ present tonight. I love working with paper and adding details digitally. Very slowly I am getting to grips with Procreate and I love using my I pen but I still miss photoshop on a laptop.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Quilt for Anania

My youngest niece turns One tomorrow. Last week I felt the need to make something and thought I might sew a quilt for Anania. I’m also hoping it will mean she always remembers her Auntie Charis!

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Crom Estate, Fermanagh, N.I

It started off as a cool day but heated up quickly and before we knew it we went from wearing coats to t shirts. We love Fermanagh. The natural, unspoiled beauty and lack of people, the dream of owning one of the islands and using it as a retreat and place for the kids to explore keeps it high on our list of favourite places.

BS 3 yrs on.

It's becoming a tradition. This is the 3rd year that we have flown over to Bishop's Stortford as soon as our schools have finished for the summer. Most of the time it coincides with Corrie's birthday too!

It is a simple few days of catching up with family, old school friends, church friends, neighbours, running pals, sewing pals and most of the time the catch up takes place in a park! We enjoy the sunshine and being able to walk everywhere...clocking up a lot of fit bit steps.

Now we are back and it is raining I'm reflecting on the fun (not the lack of sleep) and wishing we had stayed for all of July!

Life’s a circus

The circus set up its big top just a 2min drive from our house so it seemed a good chance to take the kids along after school.

Ezra didn’t like the noise at the beginning but gradually warmed to the experience. Calvin was engrossed from the start. MJ pretended to be disinterested but I loved catching him giggle at the clowns and he loved the music and light show. Of course Lj loved the gymnastics and the animals.

Lj turns NINE

Lj decided she wanted a hot tub party with her school friends this year. We went with a tropical theme which was easy as there seems to be tropical props everywhere in the shops right now.

As she gets older her choice of gifts is changing. This year she asked for an Echo Dot, a Fit bit and earrings!