Thursday, 27 December 2018

An early Christmas

As M’s parents came to visit the weekend before Christmas we decided to have an early Christmas. We had a lovely day. M cooked dinner and afterwards we went for a walk in Gosford Forest park.


There weren’t many personalised Christmas gifts this year but I enjoyed doing a little sketching for my brother and sister in laws.

Bon voyage

We said Bon voyage to our dear Marion at the beginning of December. Even the donkeys seemed sad. We miss her even more this week from all the family gatherings but know she will be having a fab time with her sister in Australia.

Advent is over

I spent a lot of advent keeping this boy out of the advent calendars with varying success. He consumed a lot of chocolate in 24 days.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

A digger for Luke

A gift for my cousin's new born. I'm still experimenting with my new ipad so this is a combination of hand collage and ipad pen details. I forgot to take a picture of it in its frame before I wrapped it!

Monday, 10 December 2018

Post exam activities

I'm not tech savvy enough to post videos on here from my photo but if I was you would be able to see and hear MJ's animation and Lj playing Christmas carols. Now that MJ has completed his 11+ exams (he celebrated with the cake of his choice, a caramel slice!) and Lj has completed her piano exam, which at the time she felt went terribly but actually earned her a distinction they are having to find other hobbies to fill their evenings.

Reusable Christmas present sacks

I made sacks like these for MJ and Lj years ago. As I started sorting and wrapping presents for this year I realised I could really do with sacks for Ezra and Calvin. It was a friend who gave me the elf fabric and thankfully there was plenty left to make two more. I would love to have time to make sacks for all the people we give to each year. It would be more eco friendly and save me wrapping time! One to think about for next year!

Red sky in the morning!

When I see a red sky, I always remember the rhyme

'Red sky at night, shepherds delight.
Red sky in the morning, sailors warning!'

Should I be worried?!

Bean bags

I had a little bit of help getting these bean bags finished off this morning. Ideally I would like Ezra to learn to recognise his name using them but I think for now I will have to relax and allow them to be thrown around or stacked up high!