Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Monday, 28 October 2013
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Workshop 5.2 Make a Zippy Bag
A fun night sewing with lovely ladies. Feeling blessed to have amazing ladies in my life all with a unique and fasinating story of their own. Thanks girls!
Thursday, 24 October 2013
The winning craft item!
Today was craft stall number 2 and thankfully I sold something! In fact I almost sold out of fabric covered noticeboards...perhaps because I lowered the price from Tuesday!
In any case, Lj and I decided to celebrate with lunch in Starbucks. Lj loves going to a cafe and I love it too, although not necessarily with Lj! I don't mean to be mean but she is drawn to everything delicious on display and chooses all the expensive stuff. OK so most things in Starbucks are expensive but for example she wants the teeny tiny pot of fruit...£2.99. Now that would buy us a bunch of grapes, bananas and a bag of kiwis in Sainsburys. So we agree on one thing each and one to share.
I enjoy watching Lj sit and take her drink in the cafe but I have to be quick as it only lasts for two minutes and then she is showing every customer in the cafe her full tummy and is getting restless to move on and my skinny latte hasn't even cooled enough to start drinking.
Illustration inspired by Pop I cok and Quentin Blake. Mj and I are reading 'George's Marvellous Medicine' by Roald Dahl.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Friday, 18 October 2013
This week...
I have been finishing off some crafts ready for our first Christmas craft fairs which begin next week.
MJ was invested as a Beaver Scout.
My new books have arrived...I'm sooo excited but am trying to keep them til next week when we go away for a few days.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Workshop 5.1 Make a Zippy Bag
Yesterday I was really looking forward to our sewing group in the evening and it did not disappoint! I'm surprised we got our Zippy bags made with all the chat and giggles. Well done girls...sorry if I have put you off zips for life!
Creative people Interview - Me!
I am fascinated by people’s life stories...always thinking
that other peoples are more interesting that my own or perhaps I am just
Either way I thought it would be fun to
interview some of my creative friends to find out a little about what motivates
and inspires them in their everyday lives.
To kick things off I have completed my little interview on myself...so here goes...
In a paragraph can you explain why
you could be classified ‘a creative’?
I think the main reason why I could be described as
‘creative’ is because I spend a large part of my free time dreaming about what
I can make and how I can make it! When shopping I am drawn to haberdashery
shops, art shops and rooting through charity shops. If I was given a small
amount of money I would save it because I’m a saver but if I had to spend it I
would do so on a ribbon, a button, a piece of fabric or a new notebook and fine
tip pen and then a coffee so I could sit and dream and sketch how I was going
to use my fabric, ribbon or button!
Do you think your creativity comes
from nature or nurture?
I have clear childhood memories of me busying myself with
something in my bedroom when my Mum would call out to me from the kitchen ‘What
are you doing?’ I would reply ‘Making something’ and Mum would always respond
with ‘Making a mess!’. Now I do and say the exact same thing with my children!
So I have always been ‘making’ something. My parents did also nurture that
creative spirit as I can remember that for Christmas we would always receive
some sort of creative toy. Such as Fimo modelling clay, beads, etc. My Mum is
interested in Art and dreams of having more time to take it up as a hobby and
loves to take time at Christmas to make lovely flower arrangements for the
table centres. My Dad has an engineering background so clearly has a creative
streak and I guess it was because of him that I ended up in Architecture. So to
answer the question I think my creativity is both nature and nurture.
How do you balance family life with
your need to be creative?
My new tip for balancing family life and the urge to be
creative is to try and combine them as much as possible. For example a few
Saturdays ago Lj wanted to make something. We took out her Usbourne, Fairies
and princesses craft book and she choose what she wanted to make. While she was
making I was doing some little sketches of fairies, or princesses and designing
some birthday cards for her little friends.
I love to go into
London and visit the galleries so we have encouraged the children to embrace
and enjoy these days out too, making it fun for them but also inspirational for
At the moment it is not too difficult to combine creativity
and kids but I do wonder if as they get older it will become more difficult.
Do you find social media such as
blogging/facebook etc a help or hindrance in the creative process?
For me, my blog is an extension to my diary and
sketchbook. I love that I can look back through the past months and remember
the things I was inspired by and the things I made. I like to give away or sell
most of the things I make so it is nice to have a record of my journey.
It stresses me out a little when I think too deeply about my
blog or facebook page, Lilyjean-Quirky&Handmade. I.e. when I wonder about
who is looking at it, how secure it is and whether I am putting my family at
any risk by doing it.
Facebook has been a useful tool in advertising and selling
my work however they change their security policies that often I’m never really
sure who is viewing and how I can use it better for this means.
Have you a specific place where you
are creative?
As mentioned above I love to sit in a coffee shop, watching
the world go by and sketching in my notebook. But I do most of my work at home
at my desk. I love my own little space where all my supplies are at hand. I
have a window which looks out to the front of our house so I can watch the
children playing or see the postman arriving. It gets lovely direct sun in the
afternoon but I do wish it also got a little sun in the morning!
Have you a tip for overcoming
creative block?
When studying Architecture at university a friend once told
me that if you really can’t get motivated to get going on something then tell
yourself that you just have to sit down and work at it for 15mins. Just 15mins
and then you can get up and leave it. The idea is that if you get started you
will keep going and the block will have gone. That piece of advice really works
for me in a lot of the things I need to do in life! Mind you quite often I will
tidy my workspace first and avoid the sitting down for as long as possible!
What is your favourite season?
Without a doubt my favourite season is Summer. I love to
feel warm and I love to be able to seamlessly wander inside and outside with
just a skirt and top on. But in saying that, this year I am getting a new
appreciation for Autumn. I have started running again and I love seeing how
every few days the leaves on the trees are changing colour...however I am
already feeling cold and have invested in a few more thermal vests to see me
through the winter!
What are your ambitions for the
I get nervous and scared when I think too much about the
future. So I try to just enjoy where I am and take one step at a time leaving
my future in God’s hands as he is more than capable to take me there!
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Is it October already?!
The days are rolling by and I feel like I can't quite keep track of
them! The weather is confusing me as the sun is still shining and we are having warm days. My head thinks it is still August...but it certainly isn't and I have just two weeks til our first Christmas craft fair! So, I'm working on producing things to sell. I seem to have started alot but not finished much!

Next, I'm putting together some 'Make your own bunting' kits (Thanks Sue for the idea!). A Christmas, Boy and Girl set...if only my printer would do as I say! Now, back to work.

Next, I'm putting together some 'Make your own bunting' kits (Thanks Sue for the idea!). A Christmas, Boy and Girl set...if only my printer would do as I say! Now, back to work.
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