First day back to school after our little holiday MJ told his teacher that he had been to Africa. When I told him we didn't go to Africa he responded in the next breath with 'I know that, but there were a lot of African people there'!
I feel such a deep sense of protection over my boy. I do not cry very easily yet when I tell a simple story about him a tear will come to my eye. When someone treats him in a way I dislike my blood begins to boil (I can feel it in the heat in my cheeks). The thought that he might ever feel lonely, sad or abused makes me want to weep.
When I showed him this picture taken at his school sports day he was frustrated and didn't want to look at it. He said that he didn't win any races (apparently the relay didn't count, which he did win). He pointed to the ring and said that it kept falling off his head. He is competitive and a brave loser but clearly he doesn't forget.
He is pensive. If he arrives home from school and there are alot of people in the house he will most likely go up to his room, spend some time on his bed with his teddies before coming down and joining in on the fun. A room of his own has been a real blessing. His little sanctuary.
He loves the company of adults. He listens and then takes on their role. When we visit a castle, he becomes tour guide. He is sensible and caring...just like a mini adult!
Yet, I have this fear that I cannot protect him from this world and what it might do to him. Even this week we have been told that he may have a lazy right eye and I believe it after he dressed up as a pirate for school today and said he couldn't see properly when he had his eye patch over his left eye! Neither can I fully understand his little mind which is developing each day.
We have been looking at this verse from the bible together:
Hebrews 12 v 1&2
'Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus the champion...'
I can't always be there for is not normal that I would be, but I can trust in the one who formed his little body, who knows him and cares deeply for him and who CAN always be there for him.