Well M was right, we were an internet free zone for 3 weeks. Today 3 weeks ago we moved to our new house and today we have internet again!
MJ was a little super star and really helped with taping up boxes and packing his own room up. He is a boy who loves to be helpful and loves to have a task to get into especially if it is working alongside a grown up!
I didn't think we had very much stuff until I started filling boxes. It was hard work and the weather was hot! Thankfully we didn't have any injuries although after the back came off a bookcase and fell on Lj I decided that I would have to do most of the packing when she was asleep.
And so after all the packing, within a few hours the removers had everything in their van and we were off. M went on ahead while I took a little moment to take a few photos and say goodbye.
I am thanking God everyday for our new house, it feels like such a blessing to have more space and I find myself much more relaxed within myself and with the kids schedule. We are blessed with not only a new house but a lovely street on which to live.
M and I do not have much patience so the first weekend we were in we decided to get going on the lounge/ dining room. We took down curtains, painted walls and wood work and took up the carpet. On the second weekend we laid a new laminate floor.
The other rooms are livable for now! So we just moved in to those and sorted our things.
Our playroom /craft room...The kids toys and cafe/ shop are at one end,
futon in the middle and my craft table and supplies at the other end.
All my craft supplies are to hand (I used to have some under our bed,
some in the room space, some in the conservatory...you get the idea). This room is amazing for us as it leads into the utility room and garden at the back and my table overlooks the cul de sac at the front so I can work and see the kids playing, where ever they are!

I'm trying hard to get the garden in shape before Lj's birthday on Sunday and our visitors arriving next week. If the sun is shining I want us to be able to eat outside and enjoy the sunshine. I'm planning a herb garden at my kitchen door, a eating area, cooking area and a play area. Last night I was dreaming of making a play house on stilts at one end of the garden but I think I am being over ambitious with my time and resources so instead i'm going to encourage my Dad to come and stay for a week to build it for me :)
Oh, and did I mention that our house backs onto a lovely park and play area! Truelly blessed!