Monday, 28 June 2010

Lilyjean has arrived

Words can't express the wonder, joy and priviledge I feel when staring at this precious gift of life.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Today we are...

:: still waiting for baby to arrive

:: enjoying goodies from the allotment...only a few strawberries made it home...they tasted too good to wait!

:: excited that baby Jamie has popped into the world safely

:: stealing chocolates while MJ has a nap

:: about to meet friends at the park.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Giving and receiving.

Last week was a week of 'giving and receiving'.

Bunting for baby Amelia.

Bean bags for Coulsons third birthday.

Purple mangetout for me : )

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Back to blogging.

What we have been up to...

Lots of baby girls have been born into our world in the last few weeks so we have been making cards and gifts.

Everyday MJ seems to surprise me with something new he can do. Today I caught him jumping around the kitchen with a ball between his legs...thankfully I had my camera to hand.

The sun is giving us oranges on our orange tree.

I can't believe we have peppers growing outside.

First pickings from the allotment...purple mangetout...looks even more amazing in reality.

My rose bush blooming, reminding me of my grandmother.

We are eating salads everyday...salad leaf glut in the back garden. Would like a salad recipe book for more inspiration.

Establishing a better bed time routine with MJ has meant that we all have a little more personal time and space. MJ decided one day when we had friends for dinner that the only place he would get some personal space was to sit in the front garden!