I have 30mins to create this blog before I am timed out (a restriction M and I put on our computer to stop us sitting up all night browsing!). Not only do I have a time restriction but I am also really struggling to write these days. That was until I came across the blog of
Buttons Magee 'when winter gives me the blahs' today which totally summed up how I was feeling. Just like 'Buttons Magee' I am feeling a bit flat, uninspired and lifeless. I think it is caused by these cold and grey days and exaggerated by the fact that I am pregnant and continually tired.
Each morning I try to spend some time alone doing stretches, writing in my journal, thinking and praying for those in need and planning the day ahead. This has certainly helped but hasn't permanently lifted me out of my slumber.
I am grateful to have Mj who makes me keep going even if I don't feel like it and has meant that the past week hasn't been totally fruitless.
This is what we have been up too.

An unplanned trip into London which lifted my spirits for a whole day.
Above is the current installation in the Tate Modern by Miroslaw Balka, How it is. A real treat to watch as Mj explored the dark space, asking that I turn the lights on and afraid that the 'Gruffalo' was lurking in the shadows.

As we prepare for Mj starting Pre-school in Feb I am reading this book and am feeling scared at the influence we have on his little life.

My present to myself, inspiring me to talk freely to Mj about the subject I enjoy so much.

Leaflets I have been designing for our upcoming church events. I'm so thankful for these tasks as they make me be creative when I'm feeling uncreative.
Wow, 15mins left.
And what I would be doing if I had all the energy and enthusiasm in the world.
- baking bread
- trying a new recipe
- creating a home made cleaning kit
- finishing a cushion and picture for a special friend
- taking more photographs
- teaching Mj more about nature, the bible and the world
- hanging out our newly filled bird feeder!
I look forward to the day when the sun shines brightly. But, until then I will keep plodding on and enjoying the little flickers of light on our way.